Monday 23 September 2013

Monday Makery - Feathered headbands

It's been 2 weeks since school began and already we're itching to break the routine, to bring back the wild feeling of the summer. So with some feathers, decorative ribbon and a little imagination we took to the wilds of the outdoors, even if only for a day, it's a day in a world where our fairytale's become our adventures and these adventures our lives. We became the first explorers, discovering a new world, finding camping ground, hunting wild animals, discovering caves, and collecting sticks for a fire. Hills became mountains, flowers and berries food and medicine and footprints were tracked in silence imagining a whole new world of our making.

It's wonderful how one small piece from a dressing up box can inspire such imaginings and play.
It's been a while since we've played dress up and I'd almost forgotten how a dressing up box gives endless possibilities of adventure, invitations to chase the wildest of dreams and the courage to break the boundaries of the everyday. Dressing up instills what we say to our children, that, you can be anything you want to be. Allowing the imagination to soar freely we were wild, we were brave and we were free.

To create the feathered headbands you will need:
  • at least 20 soft feathers in varying lengths
  • wide decorative ribbon
  • bias ribbon
  • scissors
  • needle and thread , though preferably a sewing machine.

Here's how:
  1. Prepare the length of ribbon. The ribbon needs to fit around the head with enough remaining to tie into a bow or knot as well as having a little more to drop down the neck.
  2. The bias ribbon will act as a lining to stop the feathers from rubbing against the skin, so, this needs to double the measurement of the decorative ribbon. 
  3. Find the middle of the bias ribbon and working from the centre outwards line up your feathers and pin in place, leaving the over half free.
  4. Fold over the over half of the ribbon and sew along the edges to hold the feathers in place.
  5. Pin the strip of feathered bias ribbon to the back of the decorative ribbon and sew together to finish it off. 
Wrap round the head and tie securely at the back and you're ready to go....

Oh, and then there's the name. Try adding your favourite animal or colour to your favourite flower or other natural element or characteristic.......WhiteFawn, SnowBird, WinterRose, TigerLily, EagleSky, LionWind, DancingLeaves etc....

Happy Making & happy adventuring!


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